Confirmation Bias
This is favoring information that conforms to your existing beliefs and disregarding any information that does not conform.
Examples of Confirmation Bias:
◦ Not seeking objective facts
◦ Interpreting information to support your existed belief
◦ Only remembering details that uphold your belief
◦ Ignoring information that challenges your belief
Halo Effect
Your overall impression of a person influences how you feel and think about his or her character.
A perfect example of this is you might think that a famous producer or engineer will always deliver quality. They will definitely be more experienced but not everything they do is going to be "amazing". The more you are attached to a professional and the less experience you have, the less objective you will be about his/her work.
Actor- Observer Bias
This is the tendency to attribute your own actions to external causes while attributing other people's behaviors to internal causes.
You might attribute your bad mixes or productions to cheap software/hardware and not consider the limits or experience of others
Anchoring Bias
This is the tendency to rely heavily on the very first piece of information you learn.
The most common trick that takes advantage of this bias is the volume contrast between the intro and the drop/chorus, making each louder section sound better to the ear. However, louder isn't always better, especially when mixing without proper gain staging
Dunning-Kruger Effect
This is when people believe that they are smarter and more capable than they really are when they can't recognize their own incompetence. The volume of knowledge available for free online can make people feel like their skills are phenomenally ramping up. It's fairly common to have a fast initial Improvement, but it's also common to hit some plateaus from time to time and believe they've arrived. The only way to have an idea of how much improvement you still need to do is to keep comparing to the top industry professionals/artists
Attentional Bias
This is the tendency to pay attention to some things while simultaneously ignoring others.
When making a decision on which pair of monitors to buy, you might pay too much attention to the design and price without actually considering the need for a properly treated room.
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